
새싹 AI데이터엔지니어 핀테커스 7주차 (월) - Decision Tree with Continuous Values

Continuous Descriptive Feature

#️⃣ dataset

raw (all categorical)

1 FALSE steep high chapparal
2 TRUE moderate low riparian
3 TRUE steep medium riparian
4 FALSE steep medium chapparal
5 FALSE flat high conifer
6 TRUE steep highest conifer
7 TRUE steep high chapparal

new (Elevation이 continuous feature로 변경됨)

2 TRUE moderate 300 riparian
4 FALSE steep 1200 chapparal
3 TRUE steep 1500 riparian
7 TRUE steep 3000 chapparal
1 FALSE steep 3900 chapparal
5 FALSE flat 4450 conifer
6 TRUE steep 5000 conifer

#️⃣ Continuous Descriptive (연속형 숫자)인 경우 IG 구하는 방법

  1. sorting values (Ascending)
  2. target level이 다른(Vegegation 값) 인접한 쌍 선택
  3. 각 subset마다 평균값을 구하고, 그 값을 선택 가능한 threshold로 세팅(추정)
  4. 각 threshold를 분기점으로 설정했을 때, 각각의 case에 대한 Information Gain 계산

thrreshold로 분리한 cols


full code

import numpy as np  
import pandas as pd  
def entropy(p: list):  
    tot = sum(p)  
    p = np.array(p).astype(dtype='float64')  
    p /= tot  
    entropy = -np.sum(p * np.log2(p))  
    return entropy  
def information_gain(parent, child):  
    parent_entropy = entropy(parent)  
    l_parent = float(sum(parent))  
    partition_entropy = []  
    for ele in child:  
        l_child = float(sum(ele))  
        part_ent = entropy(ele)  
        curr_ent = l_child / l_parent * part_ent  
    final_entropy = sum(partition_entropy)  
    ig = parent_entropy - final_entropy  
    return ig  
def get_ig_idx(X, y, col_names):  
    ig_list = list()  
    parent_uniques, parent_cnts = np.unique(y, return_counts=True)  
    for i in range(X.shape[1]):  
        curr = X[:, i]  
        uq = np.unique(curr)  
        children = list()  
        for ele in uq:  
            ele_idx = (curr == ele)  
            curr_y = y[ele_idx]  
            uniq, cnts = np.unique(curr_y, return_counts=True)  
            # child = [[6], [1, 3]]  
        e = information_gain(parent=parent_cnts, child=children)  
    ig_list = np.array(ig_list)  
    print("col: ", col_names)  
    print("gr: ", ig_list)  
    max_idx = np.argmax(ig_list)  
    return max_idx  
def get_subset(X, y, max_idx, col_names):  
    print("==========get subset==========")  
    to_remain = (X[:, max_idx])  
    # get kind list of to_remain  
    uniques = np.unique(to_remain)  
    # split data  
    subset_dict = dict()  
    for ele in uniques:  
        curr_to_remain = np.array([True if x == ele else False for x in to_remain])  
        X1 = X[curr_to_remain]  
        X1 = np.delete(X1, max_idx, axis=1)  
        y1 = y[curr_to_remain]  
        subset_dict[ele] = (X1, y1)  
        # check if further classification is required  
        uq_y1 = len(np.unique(y1))  
        print(f"num of {ele} node: {uq_y1} {'fin' if uq_y1 == 1 else 'continue'}")  
    return subset_dict, col_names  
def decision_tree_continuous(X, y, col_names, thresholds):  
    # 마지막 column만 coontinuous descriptive features인 경우의 decision tree 계산  
    continuous = np.array(X[:, -1], dtype=float)  
    categorized = None  
    # get T/F according to threshold  
    for th in thresholds:  
        curr_tf = (continuous <= th)  
        if categorized is None:  
            categorized = curr_tf.reshape(-1, 1)  
        categorized = np.append(categorized, curr_tf.reshape(-1, 1), axis=1)  
    X_tot = np.append(X[:, :-1], categorized, axis=1)  
    col_names_tot = col_names[:-1] + [col_names[-1] + str(th) for th in thresholds]  
    ''' h1 ig test '''  
    max_idx = get_ig_idx(X=X_tot, y=y, col_names=col_names_tot)  
    print(f"h1 node: idx {max_idx} {col_names_tot[max_idx]}")  
    # h1 node: idx 5 ELEVATION4175  
    # data filtration by ELEVATION4175    subset_dict, col_names = get_subset(X_tot, y, max_idx, col_names_tot)  
    ''' h2-1(True) ig test '''  
    X2 = subset_dict['True'][0]  
    y2 = subset_dict['True'][1]  
    max_idx = get_ig_idx(X2, y2, col_names)  
    print(f"h2-1 node: idx {max_idx} {col_names[max_idx]}")  
    # data filtration by STREAM  
    subset_dict, col_names = get_subset(X2, y2, max_idx, col_names)  
    ''' h3-1(True) ig test '''  
    X3 = subset_dict['True'][0]  
    y3 = subset_dict['True'][1]  
    max_idx = get_ig_idx(X3, y3, col_names)  
    print(f"h3-1 node: idx {max_idx} {col_names[max_idx]}")  
    # data filtration by ELEVATION2250  
    subset_dict, col_names = get_subset(X3, y3, max_idx, col_names)  
def main_routine():  
    df = pd.read_csv('../data/vegetation_new.csv')  
    my_np = df.to_numpy()  
    data = my_np.tolist()  
    # print(data)  
    col_names = ['ID', 'STREAM', 'SLOPE', 'ELEVATION', 'VEGETATION']  
    data = [[2, True, 'moderate', 300, 'riparian'],  
            [4, False, 'steep', 1200, 'chapparal'],  
            [3, True, 'steep', 1500, 'riparian'],  
            [7, True, 'steep', 3000, 'chapparal'],  
            [1, False, 'steep', 3900, 'chapparal'],  
            [5, False, 'flat', 4450, 'conifer'],  
            [6, True, 'steep', 5000, 'conifer']]  
    data = np.array(data)  
    X = data[:, 1:-1]  
    y = data[:, -1]  
    threshold = [750, 1350, 2250, 4175]  
    print("=" * 40)  
    print("decision tree classification started")  
    print("=" * 40)  
    decision_tree_continuous(X, y, col_names[1:-1], threshold)  
if __name__ == '__main__':  
decision tree classification started
gr:  [0.30595849 0.57740628 0.30595849 0.18385093 0.59167278 0.86312057]
h1 node: idx 5 ELEVATION4175
==========get subset==========
num of False node: 1 fin
num of True node: 2 continue
gr:  [0.41997309 0.32192809 0.32192809 0.01997309 0.41997309]
h2-1 node: idx 0 STREAM
==========get subset==========
num of False node: 1 fin
num of True node: 2 continue
col:  ['SLOPE', 'ELEVATION750', 'ELEVATION1350', 'ELEVATION2250']
gr:  [0.25162917 0.25162917 0.25162917 0.91829583]
h3-1 node: idx 3 ELEVATION2250
==========get subset==========
num of False node: 1 fin
num of True node: 1 fin

Process finished with exit code 0

decision tree picture

Drawing 2023-10-16 23.54.55.excalidraw.png

Continuous Target Features

target feature가 continuous한 경우는 Regression(회귀)임
따라서 Regression Decision Tree를 그려야 함

Regression Decision Tree 에서는 분기 후 subset안에서 남은 값들의 평균이 leaf node의 대표값이 됨

#️⃣ dataset


#️⃣ Continuous target (연속형 숫자)인 경우 IG 구하는 방법

  1. feature별로 분기를 한 후의 entropy를 구하는 대신 -> subset의 분산을 구함
  2. 분산의 가중평균을 summation한 값이 최종 IG가 됨
  3. IG가 가장 작은 경우(분산이 적게 된 경우)가 최적의 case로 간주하여 해당 feature를 해당 층의 분기용 node로 설정

full code

import pandas as pd  
import numpy as np  
def get_variance_idx(X, y, col_names):  
    var_by_column_list = list()  
    # column 순서 대로 순회  
    for i in range(X.shape[1]):  
        x = X[:, i]  
        # 인덱스 종류 구하기  
        uniques = np.unique(x)  
        mean_list = list()  
        var_list = list()  
        weight_list = list()  
        # 인덱스 종류별로 분산 구하기  
        for item in uniques:  
            idx = np.where(x == item)  
            tmp = np.array(y[idx]).astype(dtype=float)  
            curr_mean = np.mean(tmp)  
            curr_var = np.var(tmp)  
            curr_weight = len(idx) / len(x)  
        # 해당 column의 가중평균을 적용한 최종 분산값 구하기  
        var_list = np.array(var_list)  
        weight_list = np.array(weight_list)  
        fin_val = np.sum(var_list * weight_list)  
    min_idx = np.argmin(var_by_column_list)  
    print("argmin(variance) column in current layer: ", col_names[min_idx])  
    return min_idx  
def continuous_decision_tree():  
    df = pd.read_csv('../data/season.csv')  
    data = df.to_numpy().tolist()  
    # print(data)  
    data = [[1, 'winter', False, 800],  
            [2, 'winter', False, 826],  
            [3, 'winter', True, 900],  
            [4, 'spring', False, 2100],  
            [5, 'spring', True, 4740],  
            [6, 'spring', True, 4900],  
            [7, 'summer', False, 3000],  
            [8, 'summer', True, 5800],  
            [9, 'summer', True, 6200],  
            [10, 'autumn', False, 2910],  
            [11, 'autumn', False, 2880],  
            [12, 'autumn', True, 2820]]  
    data = np.array(data)  
    X = data[:, 1:-1]  
    y = data[:, -1]  
    col_names = ['SEASON', 'DAY']  
    min_idx = get_variance_idx(X, y, col_names)  
    print(f"{min_idx = }")  
    # SEASON  
    spring = np.where(X[:, 0] == "spring")  
    summer = np.where(X[:, 0] == "summer")  
    autumn = np.where(X[:, 0] == "autumn")  
    winter = np.where(X[:, 0] == "winter")  
    X_spring = X[spring, -1]  
    X_summer = X[summer, -1]  
    X_autumn = X[autumn, -1]  
    X_winter = X[winter, -1]  
    y_spring = y[spring]  
    y_summer = y[summer]  
    y_autumn = y[autumn]  
    y_winter = y[winter]  
    h1_spring_idx = get_variance_idx(X_spring, y_spring, col_names=['DAY'])  
    h1_summer_idx = get_variance_idx(X_summer, y_summer, col_names=['DAY'])  
    h1_autumn_idx = get_variance_idx(X_autumn, y_autumn, col_names=['DAY'])  
    h1_winter_idx = get_variance_idx(X_winter, y_winter, col_names=['DAY'])  
if __name__ == '__main__':  
argmin(variance) column in current layer:  SEASON
min_idx = 0
argmin(variance) column in current layer:  DAY
argmin(variance) column in current layer:  DAY
argmin(variance) column in current layer:  DAY
argmin(variance) column in current layer:  DAY

decision tree picture

Drawing 2023-10-16 14.55.38.excalidraw.png

scikit-learn으로 Decision Tree 그리기

from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier  
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris  
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split  
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  
from sklearn import tree  
def iris_test():  
    iris = load_iris()  
    data, targets = iris.data, iris.target  
    print("data / target shape")  
    print(data.shape, targets.shape)  
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(data, targets, test_size=0.2, random_state=11)  
    print(f"{type(X_train) = } / {X_train.shape = }")  
    print(f"{type(X_test) = } / {X_test.shape = }")  
    print(f"{type(y_train) = } / {y_train.shape = }")  
    print(f"{type(y_test) = } / {y_test.shape = }")  
    model = DecisionTreeClassifier()  
    model.fit(X_train, y_train)  
    print("depth: ", model.get_depth())  
    print("num of leaves: ", model.get_n_leaves())  
    accuracy = model.score(X_test, y_test)  
    print(f"{accuracy = :.4f}")  
    # for attr in dir(model):  
    #     if not attr.startswith("_"):    #         print(attr)  
    plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))  
    tree.plot_tree(model, class_names=iris.target_names,  
if __name__ == '__main__':  
data / target shape
(150, 4) (150,)
type(X_train) = <class 'numpy.ndarray'> / X_train.shape = (120, 4)
type(X_test) = <class 'numpy.ndarray'> / X_test.shape = (30, 4)
type(y_train) = <class 'numpy.ndarray'> / y_train.shape = (120,)
type(y_test) = <class 'numpy.ndarray'> / y_test.shape = (30,)
depth:  5
num of leaves:  9
accuracy = 0.8667

decision tree picture


  • impurity metric은 Gini 계수를 사용

Decision Tree Mini Project


  1. scikit-learn load_diabetes로 regression decision tree 그리기
  2. decision tree 결과분석
  3. regression에서 이용되는 모델학습평가지수는 (결정계수)
    model.score값과 직접 계산한 R2 score 가 일치하는지 확인

full code

from sklearn.datasets import load_diabetes  
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split  
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor

def dt_1():  
    # scikit-learn load_diabetes로 regression decision tree 그리기  
    diabetes = load_diabetes()  
    data, targets = diabetes.data, diabetes.target  
    print("data / target shape")  
    print(data.shape, targets.shape)  
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(data, targets, test_size=0.1, random_state=11)  
    model = DecisionTreeRegressor()  
    model.fit(X_train, y_train)  
    # 예측 및 결과 분석  
    preds = model.predict(X_test)  
    print("depth: ", model.get_depth())  
    print("num of leaves: ", model.get_n_leaves())  
    accuracy = model.score(X_test, y_test)  
    print(f"{accuracy = :.4f}")  
    r2_score = 1 - (((y_test - preds)**2).sum() / ((y_test - y_test.mean())**2).sum())  
    print(f"{r2_score = :.4f}")
data / target shape
(442, 10) (442,)
depth:  17
num of leaves:  391
accuracy = 0.3225
r2_score = 0.3225


  1. bike_sharing.csv로 regression decision tree 그리기
  2. decision tree 형태와 결과 분석

full code

def dt_2():  
    # dataset preparation  
    df = pd.read_csv("../data/bike_sharing.csv")  
    # print(df.columns.to_list())  
    # ['instant', 'dteday', 'season', 'yr', 'mnth', 'hr', 'holiday', 'weekday',  
    # 'workingday', 'weathersit', 'temp', 'atemp', 'hum',    # 'windspeed', 'casual', 'registered', 'cnt']
    # selected columns out of original columns  
    col_names = ['season', 'mnth', 'hr', 'holiday', 'weekday',  
                 'workingday', 'weathersit', 'temp', 'atemp',  
    X = df[col_names].to_numpy()  
    y = df['cnt'].to_numpy()  
    X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0)  
    # train  
    model = DecisionTreeRegressor()  
    model.fit(X_train, y_train)  
    # predict  
    preds = model.predict(X_test)  
    # decision tree summary  
    print("depth: ", model.get_depth()) # depth:  32  
    print("num of leaves: ", model.get_n_leaves()) # num of leaves:  13351  
    accuracy = model.score(X_test, y_test)  
    print(f"{accuracy = :.4f}") # accuracy = 0.7174
depth:  32
num of leaves:  13351
accuracy = 0.7174


  1. register_golf_club.csv get_entropy 함수 구현
  2. get_IG 함수 구현 (information Gain)
  3. root node에서의 descriptive feature 선정과 그 때의 I.G 값 계산
    (decision tree 전체 구현 아니고, 첫번째 분기 때 이용되는 descriptive feature까지만 출력하면 됨)
  4. 파이참으로 decision tree 그린 후, 3.의 결과와 같은지 확인

#️⃣ dataset

Index age income married credit_score register_golf_club
1 young high no normal no
2 young high no good no
3 middle high no normal yes
4 old medium no normal yes
5 old low yes normal yes
6 old low yes good no
7 middle low yes good yes
8 young medium no normal no
9 young low yes normal yes
10 old medium yes normal yes
11 young medium yes good yes
12 middle medium no good yes
13 middle high yes normal yes
14 old medium no good no

full code

def entropy(p: list):  
    tot = sum(p)  
    p = np.array(p).astype(dtype='float64')  
    p /= tot  
    entropy = -np.sum(p * np.log2(p))  
    return entropy  
def information_gain(parent, child):  
    parent_entropy = entropy(parent)  
    l_parent = float(sum(parent))  
    partition_entropy = []  
    for ele in child:  
        l_child = float(sum(ele))  
        part_ent = entropy(ele)  
        curr_ent = l_child / l_parent * part_ent  
    final_entropy = sum(partition_entropy)  
    ig = parent_entropy - final_entropy  
    return ig  
def get_ig_idx(X, y, col_names):  
    ig_list = list()  
    n_unique_list = list()  
    parent_uniques, parent_cnts = np.unique(y, return_counts=True)  
    for i in range(X.shape[1]):  
        curr = X[:, i]  
        uq = np.unique(curr)  
        children = list()  
        for ele in uq:  
            ele_idx = (curr == ele)  
            curr_y = y[ele_idx]  
            uniq, cnts = np.unique(curr_y, return_counts=True)  
            # child = [[6], [1, 3]]  
        e = information_gain(parent=parent_cnts, child=children)  
    ig_list = np.array(ig_list)  
    print("col: ", col_names)  
    print("gr: ", ig_list)  
    max_idx = np.argmax(ig_list)  
    return max_idx, n_unique_list[max_idx]  
def decision_tree_root(X, y, col_names):  
    max_idx, n_uniques = get_ig_idx(X=X, y=y, col_names=col_names)  
    print(f"h1 node: idx {max_idx}({col_names[max_idx]}), n_uniques: {n_uniques}")  
    return max_idx  
def dt_3():  
    # dataset preparation  
    df = pd.read_csv("../data/register_golf_club.csv", index_col=0)  
    # ['age', 'income', 'married', 'credit_score', 'register_golf_club']  
    cols = df.columns.to_list()[:-1]  
    X = df.iloc[:, :-1]  
    y = df.iloc[:, -1]  
    max_idx = decision_tree_root(np.array(X), np.array(y), cols)  
def dt_sklearn():  
    # 데이터 불러오기  
    data = pd.read_csv('../data/register_golf_club.csv')  
    # 특성과 타겟 분리  
    X = data.drop('register_golf_club', axis=1)  
    y = data['register_golf_club']  
    # # 특성에 대한 One-Hot Encoding 수행  
    X_encoded = X.copy()  
    for column in X.columns:  
        X_encoded[column] = X[column].astype('category').cat.codes  
    # 결정 트리 모델 생성  
    clf = DecisionTreeClassifier()  
    # 모델 훈련  
    clf.fit(X_encoded, y)  
    # 첫 번째 노드 (루트 노드) 정보 확인  
    root_node = clf.tree_  
    print(f"h1 node: idx {root_node.feature[0]}({X.columns[root_node.feature[0]+1]}), level:{root_node.max_depth}, threshold: {root_node.threshold[0]} ")  
    # 결정 트리 시각화  
    plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))  
    plot_tree(clf, filled=True, feature_names=X_encoded.columns, class_names=y.unique())  
if __name__ == '__main__':  
    # dt_1()  
    # dt_2()    
col:  ['age', 'income', 'married', 'credit_score']
gr:  [0.24674982 0.02922257 0.1518355  0.04812703]
h1 node: idx 0(age), n_uniques: 3 # 구현한 알고리즘
h1 node: idx 0(age), level:5, threshold: 1.5 # Scikit-Learn